Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy Fantastic New Super Year

it's the last day of 2009 and i've been thinking back on some the experiences that have come past in the last 365 days. like everyone else, i've had my share of up and downs. and at some points in the last few months, it felt like the downs were coming in large pairs. what kind of drama you may ask? well, our apartment was burglarized, for one. but this blog isn't about any losses or disappointments. it really has been a great year. through the year i've met with friends who i had not seen in years, spent priceless time with family, and even feel like i've learned a thing or two about being me as an artist. blah blah blah blah, who really wants to know all this?!

but seriously, it's been a great year. the new Deseo website is live and running. i want to thank Laz at the Lazarus Group ( for all his help to make this site happen. my girlfriend, my family, co-workers, and all close friends that i don't get to see or talk to all that often. thanks for allowing me to be part of your lives!

although there's a lot of new work that's been posted on the new website, i still have more on the way. this is a sneeeak of something that's still in the works.

happy new years, yo!


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

90 Days Around the World

this blog has been bit over due. seems like the last two months have just been roller coaster full of ups and downs! but everything is all good and i have more things to show in the near future.

this a design i created for Methods NYC clothing. their theme this winter season is "90 Days Around the World". i had fun drawing it out. i normally don't ink, but being that final image is intended to have very little color, i did. in order for the lines to stay crisp. i took inspiration from Robert Crumb's comic work for the lines. because the concept is sexy and the little animals added a degree of cuteness, i thought some gritty line work would give it some nice contrast.

if you want to get your hands on one of these shirts, visit
